Grey 17 is missing

 Posted on 9/7/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

It's *always* scary for me to go on...I'm always sure the day
before that nobody's gonna show up, and then I go into panic when I hit
the stage, and it's mainly a matter of burying that so I can get
through it and perform. These people have been there, often, for a long
time, waiting, and they deserve nothing less than a fun, interesting,
and sometimes maybe even useful show. They deserve their money's
worth, which is why I'm so adamant about nobody getting disappointed or
cut off in line or ignored. The second panel was a last-minute
addition when the first one got flooded out (as it werte), and after
giving my all on the first one, I was just whipped...but I wasn't about
to let anyone leave disappointed. (As it was, I think my energy level
was still lower than I'd've liked during the second presentation, and
a bit more rambling in structure, especially toward the end, 'cause I
was running on fumes, though so far it seems to have come off okay from
the other side of the room.)

I think the day I ever *stop* being nervous about it, and get
either complacent about it, or take it for granted, I should stop doing
it. But that doesn't seem terribly likely....
