Lyta--Season 4

 Posted on 8/17/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

David Cerreta <> asks:
> Do you know of any others that might take the stage as late as
> Season 5, or haven't they let themselves be known to you yet<G>?

Thanks...and yeah, it happened again. I'm writing 405, "The
Long Night," and there's something that one character was supposed to
do in the script, that had been the plan all along, that was my intent
even as near as 1 page from where it was going to happen...then just as
I got to that scene, another character stepped up and said, "no, let me
do it." I was kinda flummoxed. "You?! You're the LAST person anyone
would think to do this." The character nodded. "Exactly." And the
symmetry was perfect, the impact would be that's who did

On one level, it's always wonderful when this happens; on
another, it scares the hell out of me....

It's at the bottom of act two, you'll figure it out when you get
