How Time Flies

 Posted on 5/29/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Timothy C Schell <> asks:
> Knowing that you have accomplished much besides B5, I'm wondering
> how you feel about being tagged as "Joe Straczynski, the guy who
> created Babylon 5?"

"Joe, you are already *known* for B5 and, given two more seasons and
the repeat deal on TNT, you will only become more noticed. Maybe this
will change in the future, but as of 1996 when people think of you they
will probably identify you with B5. Knowing that you have accomplished
much besides B5, I'm wondering how you feel about being tagged as "Joe
Straczynski, the guy who created Babylon 5?""

It bothers me not at all.

Every writer has one seminal work for which he or she is most
known. For Heinlein, STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND; for Herbert, DUNE; for
Smith, the LENSMAN books; for Tolkein, LORD OF THE RINGS; for Bradbury
THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES. I don't put myself anywhere NEAR that
league...I'd be doing good just to carry their pencils...but my sense
is that even though I've done a lot of stuff prior to B5, and will
likely do a lot more after, this is almost certainly the one work for
which I'll be most known, and remembered. (Which is also why I'm
working so hard to make it right.)

Doesn't bother me at all; I'm proud and pleased to be associated
with this show, and always will be.
