Re: Series plot, was Re: Trek

 Posted on 11/18/1993 by to

Shawn, excuse me if I'm just a tad curt here, but given that you have
not seen a single episode, have not read a single script for the series,
for you to say that in the B5 series, characters "have been forced to take
subordinate roles" is, frankly, more than a little nuts. In the message
from you just preceding that, you indicate that you don't think the show
may work on ANY level, all based on your assumptions which have nothing --
I repeat, nothing -- to do with the *reality* of what we're doing here.

If I might be so bold, may I suggest that you actually *see* an
episode or two before reviewing the series? One can review the pilot all
one wants, but we've changed a *lot* since that pilot, including some
elements of how we're going to approach the series and the overall arc of
the story.

Call me crazy, but I kinda like to *see* the painting before I decide
whether or not I like the brush strokes.
