to sfwa from jms

 Posted on 3/8/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

The point of my "internal matters" reply was in response to
someone who wanted to know whom at SFWA to bombard with email about
this. I'm reasonably confident that no one at SFWA wants to receive
such a bombardment, and such a bombardment would not do any good, hence
my observation.

That's got nothing to do with the reality that SFWA's stance is
massively stupid, and deserves to be openly discussed. As someone
once said, "When someone does a foolish thing you should tell them it
is a foolish thing; they may choose to continue doing it, but at least
the truth is where it needs to be."

I'm certainly pleased to hear that GRRM is currently SFWA's
veep. George is a VNM (Very Nice Man).

Of course, that's got nothing to do with SFWA's general attitude
toward this area, scriptwriters in general, or the dramatic nebula
(they get to like George because a) he's an accomplished novelist, and
b) he's a VNM, and ignore the rest of it if they so choose). Still,
it's good news for George, and I'm pleased for him. It's a good thing
to have George, since some others, like Harlan Ellison, also refuse to
rejoin SFWA over the dramatic nebula question, and the treatment of
scriptwriters in general. George is a much more patient and generous
