
 Posted on 6/15/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions} is that. At last I have a proper cliffhanger and a
proper wait afterward.



 Posted on 6/16/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

"You must have known, or at least suspected, they'd hold back the last
4 again. I think I've figured out one of the reasons you're as good a
writer as you are. You can take your story and mold it into the shape
you need it to, in order to tell it, regardless of the blockades,
changes, whims and opportunities the current syndication market throws
at you. You're the most flexible damn writer I've ever seen. Then
again, no one's ever HAD to do the things you're doing either."

All I'll say is that no one will ever truly know how difficult
this process has been. And no matter what they throw at us, we catch
it, turn it around, figure out how to use it for our own purposes, and
somehow make the story better for it.

It ain't easy, though, m' ain't easy.



 Posted on 6/19/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

T.P. Chai <> asks:
> Was that your intention?
> Also, what's to stop Clarke asking Psi Corp to alter Sheridan's
> mind, somehow reprogramme him, to confess?

Because they don't want him reprogrammed; as William says,
another teep could see that he'd been altered. They want him
*sincerely broken*. Not just rewired.

And yeah, I wanted this to function almost as a play in
structure. In fact, when we shot it, we did it in full-act chunks.
The actors would come in in the morning, rehearse it as they would a
play, then we'd shoot it the way we'd shoot a play, straight through.



 Posted on 6/19/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

John Bovenmyer <> asks:
> Now we've got 3 cliffhangers: 1) What happens to Sheridan?
> 2) How long do we have to wait to find out?
> 3) Do we get season five or will Joe wrap this in just 3 more
> episodes, at least one of which is already in the can?! Are
> _Between the Darkness and the Light_ and _Endgame_ being deferred
> to maintain wriggle room still for season 5, are they done, or
> did you film enough so you could edit them down to work with
> either 4 or 5 season runs after the cast was done shooting?

Best to wait and see what's in mind for those later episodes.



 Posted on 6/20/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

T.P. Chai <> asks:
> But don't all teeps, official ones anyway, work "for" Clark?
> so why does it matter?
> also do they still have the technology that reprogrammed Talia,
> or did that go away with the Shadows?

It matters because there are plenty of alien teeps out there as
well as human ones, and you can always get a rogue in there.



 Posted on 6/21/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

Thanks...our cast invariably comes in knowing full scenes, and
can hit them without breaking or blowing a line. So we have a tendency
at times to just let the master play out, keeping the intensity, which
can sometimes be broken by too much cross-editing. (Note that the
Zathras/Ivanova scene a few episodes back is *entirely* one shot, four



 Posted on 6/21/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

(blocked) asks:
> Why was this episode titled "Intersections in Real Time"?

Each act took place in real time, no time jumps...the
conversation happened as it happened. Since you had act breaks in
between them, those became real time.
