Re: Attn JMS: The Real Ghostbusters

 Posted on 8/3/1996 by to

"If I am not mistaken, you worked on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon show. I
also remember reading that you wrote a few scripts. Which scripts did you
write? How much were you involved in the show?"

Yikes...trying to remember them all, there were something like 15-20
episodes that I wrote..."Janine, You've Changed"..."Ragnarok and
Roll"..."Citizen Ghost"... "No One Comes to Lupusville"..."Take
Two"..."Xmas Marks the Spot"..."The Halloween Door"..."Mr. Sandman, Dream
Me a Dream"..."Russian About"... "Chicken, He Clucked"..."The Haunting of
Heck House"...a whole bunch of others.

I was story editor on that series, for both the ABC and syndicated
versions, editing 78 episodes in one season. It was a hoot; we got to go
totally nuts and be obscure and adult and funny and outrageous.
