UK <Matters of Hono(u)r>

 Posted on 4/15/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Arwel Parry <> asks:
> I like the new title sequence, the new theme has just the right
> feel of impending doom and foreboding - will Chris Franke be
> putting it on the new CD? or is it just a figure of speech in the
> same way that when Sheridan "takes out" a Centauri cruiser he's
> not taking it to a candlelit dinner or the movies? Marcus Cole
> looks like an interesting character, but from what he said about
> how he and his brother joined the Rangers it seems as if their
> existence is quite generally known, at least in some circles -
> how come EA and the Shadows' agents haven't heard about them? and
> have ISN kept quiet about them? Thanks again for another
> entertaining programme - you keep saying you're getting better
> all the time, but will any of your audience survive the tension
> in season 5?!

Actually, the B5 third year theme is an expanded version,
somewhat altered, of the "Requiem for the Line" piece, which is already
on the current CD.
