Re: JMS: Fan Reactions and Changing Assessments

 Posted on 4/5/1996 by to

The other thing to bear in mind in all of this is that the degree to which
we are affected by an episode depends to some measure on what we bring to
the experience. Some elements are going to register more with some than
with others, due to our background and experience. Some women reacted
*very* strongly to "Comes the Inquisitor" because of their feelings about
the whole male/female dynamic and the way it had touched their lives

We will never all agree on these things, and never should. If we all
agreed we'd be the Stepford B5 Viewing Association.

(Oh, and one other thing...very often, viewers re-assess episodes after
the fact. "And Now For a Word" being a good example. When it first came
out, a number of folks weren't sure about it, because they were taken
aback by the narrative device. Lately, on the rerun, a *lot* of them, on
various nets, said they'd watched it again and re-evaluated their opinion,
felt it was under-rated, and better than they'd first thought. So, again,
which opinion do you listen to? Fundamentally, you have to follow the
story where it takes you. Nothing else makes sense.)
