Lost Threads?

 Posted on 3/26/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Bill Hirst <104106.431@compuserve.com> asks:
> Joe, do you think writing B5 is like writing a novel, except that
> you have to turn it in one chapter at a time?

Yeah, it is a lot like a novel, but as you say, once a chapter
is done, you can't go back again...so it's like writing a novel in
steel instead of paper; you can't erase what's done. So anything you
modify has to be forward-directed, rather than backtracking. It's
quite an elegant dance, really. And a definite challenge, just to do
it, let alone incorporating the real-world speed bumps (an actor breaks
a limb, isn't available for some reason at an important point,
whatever). So you have to keep the general outline in your head at all
times, and be able to shift and slide but keep on going where you're
