Re:Franklin and Ivanova

 Posted on 12/11/1995 by Jms at B5 to AOL

"...each of the alien groups have only one religion, one government, one

Actually, this is quite incorrect. It's been established that the
Narns have competing religions (G'Quan vs. G'Lan vs. other systems), the
Centauri have a whole pantheon of different deities -- I seem to recall the
number was in the 70s -- with each having their own household god, certainly
the Minbari have three very distinct castes (with some differences in
appearances, the warrior caste having more threateningly-spiked crests, vs.
more rounded for religious caste), so there are definitely differences within
our various alien races. And, of course, we've go the green drazi vs. purple
drazi situation to contend with, and accents vary as well...not every
Centauri has the same accent as Londo (which is more of the Old School of the
Centauri hierarchy), and not every Minbari speaks with Delenn's accent (which
is more from the southern region of the planet).
