Re: G'Kar's position on the council...Sheridan...

 Posted on 10/18/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Re: G'Kar's position on the council...Sheridan could have carried on, but
it would've been basically useless. The Centauri now occupy and run Narn, and
as its conquerers call thanks to the surrender and agreement to the Centauri
terms, call the shots as far as who can legitimately speak for Narn. Sheridan
could've kept G'Kar *in the room*, but he'd still be powerless, without
portfolio, and the whole concept of the council would be shot. He is now
simply Citizen G'Kar, same as any other Narn. No, Londo isn't of higher rank
in the council than Sheridan, but he speaks for the Centauri, and the Centauri
speak for Narn.
