Stuph From jms

 Posted on 2/10/1995 by to

General and sundry to whoever might be interested....

1) Next Thursday evening (the 16th), I'll be at Planet Hollywood in
Chicago along with Claudia Christian, Mira Furlan, and Michael O'Hare
to do a PR appearance in part for the show, in part for the convention
there in June, and for some various non-story-related announcements. The
plan is to watch the episode there that night, do Q A and generally hang
out. Though this is usually a closed deal for publicity (ET and CNN and
other media will be there), a limited number (I think 150) tickets have
been allocated for fans of the show in the area, I think $30 apiece.
Contact the same folks running the Chicago Big Bang Convention ahead of
time to order tickets; these will probably sell out quickly.

2) Chris Franke has finalized the revised CD soundtrack; the new
suite, entitled "The Geometry of Shadows," adds about 12-14 minutes to
the CD, which now weighs in at about 55-56 minutes. The new suite
includes the second season main theme, selections from "Chrysalis" and
"Survivors" and "Signs and Portents" and "The Coming of Shadows," as
well as an extended version of "Requiem For the Line." The first 2,000
copies have already been booked and will be sent to fill orders hanging
fire from the UK, with broader distribution starting in March. This is
from Sonic Images, which because it isn't *as* large a company as Warner
Records or others, but is still good sized, will be fighting to meet all
the orders that have come in and are coming in.

Thus, I suggest that if you want to a) get the soundtrack, and b)
not wait for back orders, you contact your local record store or discount
distributer service and order the CD right off, which will help assure
getting them as they come off the line, and help Sonic Images best plan
their run. The CD also comes with an expanded booklet, with more
pictures from the show (including a 3-shot of me with fellow producers
Doug Netter and John Copeland...but hey, buy it anyway). It's a wonder
to behold.

3) At this point, I've confirmed that I'll be in the UK twice this
year, once at the Horizons Convention in Birmingham come April, and then
in September at the Wolf 359/Gathering convention in Manchester.
