Reactions to "Race" (SPOILERS)

 Posted on 2/2/1995 by to

The Lurker didn't say "Jason cracked." If it was captioned that
way, I'm as surprised as anybody else. There was another name there,
the name of the man who was being interrogated back at Mars Colony.

EST = Earth Standar Time, not East Coast time. Greenwich Mean Time,
basically. (Above should read Standard.) There's Local Time, and EST;
ordinary official business is usually timed to match EST.

No, Garibaldi's authority doesn't exceed Sheridan's. But when
Sheridan's superiors give Garibaldi a direct order to have the quarters
locked out, that they are illegally occupied...Garibaldi must comply.
That is standard legal military procedure. (Funnily enough, I've gotten
a couple of notes from folks in the military -- one Navy, and one
Marine -- citing similar petty stuff happening to their COs.)

At five miles long, with hundreds of miles of piping, leaks are
going to happen. Some are more serious than others. At that moment,
Sheridan was concerned about psis, not leaks. He's trying to be
inconspicuous; he wouldn't stop in the midst of all this and order a
repair team. He'd probably do it later. ("Come alone," he was told.
So now a maintainance team shows up....)

Just some thoughts on the comments.
