Well, actually, there are various...

 Posted on 1/10/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Well, actually, there are various forms of "turning in a script." First
I turn in a First Draft, which is only circulated amongst the upper tier
production staff (me, Doug, John, usually Larry, Warners, and if it has lots
of EFX, prosthetics or wardrobe, the head of whichever department is gonna get
whapped). Out of 17 scripts to date, we have only gotten notes from Warners
on 3, all in the very first batch of episodes, mainly in terms of urging
clarity for new viewers. Nothing since. Nonetheless, it's pro forma to send
it along at that early stage just in case.

Shortly thereafter, I turn in my Final Draft (the second draft in
sequence). Usually, there's little or no difference between the First and the
Final Draft (at least on this show)...the only real distinction is that this
is the one that gets circulated to all cast, crew, support and production
staff, and casting.

"Z'ha'dum" has only been seen by a few people at this early stage, but
folks like it. The big one, though, is really "And Now for a Word," which has
gotten more responses from crew, cast and others than any other script to
date. From top to bottom, everyone is absolutely excited about it. It's
going to be a very challenging shoot, but the result, I think, will be worth
