I do seem to recall that at some...

 Posted on 1/7/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

I do seem to recall that at some point there were discussions between
Harlan and the ST team about a City sequel, and an arc for DS9. What Harlan
pitched had scope, and sweep, and action, and would probably have caused quite
a stir. And the response from B&P was to go *hmmm* and to go *hrrmmm* a lot,
and wonder if this or that part could be toned down a bit, and finally the
idea just sank beneath the waves. Harlan once described for me, in detail,
the opening teaser of what he planned for a TNG episode...and it would've
caused the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. A *really* good Picard

Re: winning/losing battles...on the Harry Chapin collection double CD
set, there are some interview snippets with Harry. In one of them, he tells
this story (which I'm going to try and replicate from memory as well as I
can). "My father always used to tell me, Harry, there's good days, and
there's bad days. A bad day can be a day when you *won*...but you fought
other people's battles, lived other people's agendas, and at the end of the
day, there was really very little of *you* in there, and when you hit the hay,
you toss and turn, you don't settle easy.

"A *good* day, ironically enough, can be a day when you *lost*. But you
don't even have to say it, because you know you lived your life, fought your
battles, dreamed your dreams. And when you hit the hay at night, you can
sleep the sleep of the just and say 'Take me away.'"
