Re: pacing...quite correct. I...

 Posted on 12/17/1994 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Re: pacing...quite correct. I think the pacing should vary
according to the story we're telling; some are slower, some fairly average,
and some are written, acted and directed at a dead run. I like tuning into a
series and never quite knowing what the hell to expect each time.

All things considered, the episode went through fairly cleanly, script-
wise, not much in the way of revision. Peter has a good ear for dialog (not
surprising). So for the most part it was little stuff; for example...Peter
came up with, "Either I'm in hell or in medlab," to which I appended,
"...either way, the decor needs work." Which is kind of the fun in getting an
outside script; you can hear the first part of a line you'd never considered,
and knowing the character, you can take it just a little further.
