Not exactly technobabble... (b

 Posted on 12/14/1994 by to

I don't think referring to a medical problem or illness is in any
way either technobabble or medbabble. Either babble is just that, a long
string of terms which suffice for plot points. New medical conditions
come along all the time, and require names. Twenty years ago we didn't
have the term AIDS. If that had been used prior to the illness being
discovered, would that be considered technobabble?

I think we need to be somewhat sensible here; from time to time one
must explain something or refer to something of a technical nature. I
don't think that this must lead to a kneejerk response of classifying
any kind of technical reference as technobabble. Terms have meaning,
and the more you generalize those terms, the less meaning they have.
