our open letter to JMS

 Posted on 5/17/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

You still don't seem to get it.

Let me take off the kid gloves for a moment and explain it to

I work 20+ hours a day on B5. You came on here and began
demanding I investigate claims made by a German convention. I didn't
have time initially to get into it, and in response there was letter
after letter here demanding that I look into this, even though I had no
firsthand knowledge of the situation, and then more or less condemning
me for not getting personally involved in this.

You (and others involved in this) continued emailing me and
posting public messages on this, and began emailing members of our
cast, our crew...becoming, frankly, a pain in the ass. Email demands
for me to take a stand, to investigate, to proclaim something, began
showing up in more than one of my accounts, which are already flooded
with other requests.

Finally, I had the chance to sit down with Bruce and a few other
actors (who were, at that time, already annoyed with the demands for
explanations put on them by yourself and several other German fans) and
said, "Are you going to this con?" I then posted what they told me,
assuming that would be the end of it...and AGAIN you came at me for it.

One reaches a point where one says, at last, "A pox on *both*
your houses." Or, as the Brits say, "Bugger off."

You have been rude to myself, and my cast, and several of my
staff. You have harrassed us with email and demands for our attention
and our involvement in something we have no direct involvement in.

If a convention is advertising guests who in fact are not going
to appear, that is fraud. Fraud is prosecutable under German laws. If
they show up, then it's not fraud. If they don't, then it is, and they
can be taken to court. Our job is not to interfere with German
jurisprudence or make statements that could GET US SUED under German
law about people we do not know.

If you want confirmation about whether or not a guest is coming,
you can find that out through the actor's agents or find means of doing
this other than harrassing me about it.

"We don't understand why this is such a big problem to him?"

Because you're being a pain in the butt, *that's* why, and
making demands on us that we do things that a) we're not authorized to
do, b) don't have time to do, c) are best done in Germany, d) you and
others have been yelling in our ears and filling our email boxes and
making demands and carrying on cranky and throwing around accusations
of disinterest in the affairs of our fans now for at *least* three
months, and frankly neither I nor any of my cast or crew want to hear
it anymore.

If you have a local problem, it should be *solved* locally,
through the means you have there at your disposal. I am not your
lapdog to run around and take care of your errands and I am not going
to jump every time you make demands on my time. We care *deeply* for
our fans, who are worldwide, and we do all we can to assist them. We
have gone far beyond the call of duty in ways you will never know. But
every once in a while, someone shows up who is obnoxious and demanding
and won't take "please go away" for an answer, and who by their rude
behavior gives all fans a bad name.

Neither Babylon 5, nor Babylonian Productions, nor Warner Bros.
has any direct involvement in this or any other German convention. Our
cast sign on as free agents, as individuals. We do not, and will not,
get involved in any convention situation unless I *personally* have
direct knowledge of something involving a con which I will be
attending. Not only would it be inappropriate, it would also be
impossible...our cast members are attending cons now in hundreds of
cities and many countries around the world. I can't keep track of it
all, and shouldn't be expected to. My cast members are grown adults,
and the fans in each area should pursue whatever local resources they
have in determining a con's legitimacy. The only way I get involved
directly in conventions is if I attend personally, or if we should
reach a point where Babylonian Productions endorses a convention, which
to date has not happened.

My problem, in short, is not with the German fans. It is
specifically and directly with *you* and a few others who have far, far
exceeded the limits of polite behavior, harrassed me, harrassed my
cast, and taken up space on this forum to no good end. That was the
intent of my prior note.

Resolve your local problems locally.
