Babylon 5 Soundtrack II

 Posted on 2/16/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Nick Murray <> asks:
> But when I played the "Severed Dreams" track on the new CD it
> doesn't sound like the same cue at all?? Someone had a breakdown
> of the tracks on USENET and from what I understand the track
> titled "Severed Dreams" is actually mostly music is from
> "Messages from Earth"? I guess I don't understand why the tracks
> are titled the way they are when they don't contain the music
> from that particular episode?

I think that music appears elsewhere on the disk, in
pieces...I'm not sure why he entitled stuff the way he did. There's
more "Z'ha'dum" stuff in the "Severed" track than anything else.
