Re: ATTN JMS: Only on Babylon 5 . . . (no ITF spoilers)

 Posted on 2/7/1997 by to

1.) The CGI was excellent and seemed very different than in previous
episodes, much larger, better defined, darker. Was this an effort on
your part, or the post-production department?

We're trying some new rendering techniques...I think they're working very
well. (Some of the stuff in the next episode has a very realistic feel to

2.) Have you found some way to slow down time or compress the episode
into a shorter span? When I finished this one, I swore I had watched a
two hour movie.

You did. We arranged for a time dilation bubble to appear over your

3.) Any reaction from the actor or staff on this one? Especially, Ed
Wassner? (Might be a bit of spoilers in the answer to this one)

Ed wants to come back as an alien. I see no problem with this.
