
 Posted on 11/23/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

gopher <> asks:
> 1) Are the Shadows motives really (at least) what we've learned
> so far (chaos, evolution, what do you want)? 2) Are the Vorlons
> motives really (at least) what we've learned so far (order,
> evolution, who are you)? 3) Did the Vorlons actually destroy the
> planet mentioned in Summoning? 4) Do the Vorlons really want to
> wipe out all the worlds touched by the Shadows, and ultimately
> eliminate the Shadows all together? 5) Is Lorien really a
> different "thing" than Shadows or Vorlons/Koshs? 6) Is there more
> to the Minbari working caste than we've learned so far?

Yes to all of them.
