Christianity in Babylon5

 Posted on 8/21/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Rob Carr <> asks:
> Yeah, but how come you do so much better a job than those that
> do? There...there AREN'T?
> You mean, B5 isn't real life?

Never took it *as* criticism....

To the question of why more folks don't do it, or as much or "as
well" (the last in that list being subjective and self-serving for me
to repeat), I think a large part of the problem may be that very often,
if you deal with religion in TV, ten gazillion pressure groups from
either side of the political spectrum jump up and down on your head
until it's reduced to guava jelly. So folks get very tentative about
the area.

Me, I've been on computer nets for 12 years, I'm used to people
jumping up on down on my head until it turns into guava big.
