UK and budgets

 Posted on 4/11/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

No TV shows are sent around on film anymore these days; it's all
sent on digital tape.

The exact budget isn't something we give out; suffice to say
it's under a million per episode, or about half the budget of an
average ST episode.

We've come in a little bit under budget each year; not a lot,
but some. A small portion of whatever money isn't spent goes into
interim next season stuff (studio maintenance and improvements, set
storage and repair, that sort of thing). The rest goes back to WB as
per our contract.

In the syndicated ratings, B5 generally falls anywhere from the
low 30s to 40s during first run, a bit lower on long reruns. But this
is out of about 250 or more syndicated shows per week. So we're in
about the top 20% of all syndicated shows, and always in the top 10 of
dramatic series.

I haven't actually seen any viewer numbers; I know the UK tends
to give them, but I've never seen the figure given for X-million US B5
