Don't forget he also had the inherent...

 Posted on 2/1/1996 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Don't forget he also had the inherent momentum he carried with him from
the fast-moving shuttle.

BTW, though I announced this elsewhere, I've finally finished the
revisions to my writing book, The Complete Book of Scriptwriting, which was
initially published in 1981, revised a bit, and has now been TOTALLY
rewritten, stem to stern, is almost double the original length, and has many
new chapters on technology and writing, the WGA, animation, traps, and other
areas, in addition to the chapters on film, TV, stage, radio and the like.
It's absolutely current now, and contains samples of various script forms,
agent forms, contracts, lists of all sorts, and tentatively I'm planning to
include a B5 script in the book, probably "The Coming of Shadows." It'll be
published with much ballyhoo in the Fall as THE (EVEN MORE!) COMPLETE BOOK OF

BTW, tentative title for episode #20, "And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding
