Attn JMS: Q's not asked from

 Posted on 10/28/1995 by to

What's been happening the last few days? Well, we're now shooting
episode #9, "Point of No Return," and today was Majel Barrett's second
day of shooting on the show; she has two more days to shoot. So far the
episode looks very good. We're finishing the last EFX shots on "Voices
of Authority," episode #4, which will air after episode #5, "Passing
Through Gethsemane" because the latter requires almost zip EFX, and is a
better cap to the Novemer sweeps.

I just finished writing episode #12, "A Late Delivery From Avalon,"
and we're in pre-production on #10, "Severed Dreams." I'm currently
breaking out the story for #13 (not titled yet), which I'll probably start
writing this weekend. We should get the director's cut on "Messages From
Earth" (#8) sometime middle of next week.
