Re: Yo Theron

 Posted on 3/14/1995 by to

I don't believe this...the allegation that I'm not really me, that
I'm some shlub working on the B5 payroll into whose hands The Great And
Powerful Oz...I mean *J*M*S* has given his credibility, his reputation,
whom *J*M*S* has taught how to *write* just like him...this dialogue has
just hit a brand new low.

It's now 2:03 a.m. Pacific time. If I ain't me, I'm not paying me
NEARLY enough money to be me at this hour of the night. Yes, it takes a
lot of time to go through this stuff...which is why I'm UP at this ungodly
hour of the night, responding to all this stuff in real-time, writing on
the fly.

...I just sat here for several minutes, trying to wrap my brain around
how on EARTH to respond to this latest bit of nonsense...and realized,
why? This is the nuttiest thing I've ever seen. What's the point?

And no, there are NOT two sides to every story.

And finally, this has nothing to do with critiquing my show. This is
what always happens in these threads; somebody mouths off about something,
makes an unsubstantiated claim, and then when the net collectively hands
them their heads, complains that people are too sensitive about critiquing
their show. Except, of course, that's never been what they've beend oing
(been doing) in the first place.

Why on earth am I even HAVING this boneheaded conversation?
