Re: JMS: Patrick Stewart/B5/Tr

 Posted on 1/10/1995 by to

Actually, there are a lot of resonances between the process of getting
B5 on the air and getting the original Trek on. Both did considerable
recasting after their pilots; both saw the series a full year after the
first pilot (we kinda considered ep 1 of year 1 our second pilot); Trek
ran into difficulty getting sold because of Lost in Space, and we had a
hard time getting sold because of ST; when it went on the air, Star Trek
was slammed by critics as being low-rent, cheesy, suited for saturday
morning kiddie shows and nothing more than an attempt to cash in on Lost
in Space, just as we got nailed by critics and charged with trying to cash
in on ST; Trek was Roddenberry's singular vision, and B5 is another very
singular vision, neither show a "committee" operation. There are more,
but I think the point is there.
