JMS:Is The Future Fixed?(ie. P

 Posted on 12/15/1994 by to

"I think that pre-destination is about as unscientific as you can

Y'know, that's EXACTLY the sort of thing you'd say. It was

Free will or predistination...I don't think either has been in any
way scientifically proven. And your message indicates that you think one
or two people CAN stop a war. How? With what information? You're
attributing godlike powers to our characters. Sadly, in real life, all
too often we're stuck watching the car accident in slow motion, knowing
what's coming but unable to stop it.

The war *will* come (and they don't hear the narration, that's just
for you the viewer); question is, how will it come out? There's room for
fluidity there, certainly. So it's both...the war is inevitable; the
outcome, less so.
