Oh, yeah...something else, before...

 Posted on 10/3/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Oh, yeah...something else, before I forget...Monday I'll finally be
hearing some of the new B5 music from Christopher Franke, for "Soul Hunter."
This, for me, is the really exciting part, because it's amazing how much good
music can add to a show, and this signals the very last phase of post-
production. I think we're doing our final mix-down on "Soul" around mid-week,
with full sound EFX and music...and then that's it.

We're now in the process also of storyboarding out our main title
sequence, and we're hoping to do something a little different, if we can get
the studio to sign off on the idea. It'll give the show a very unique look.

And just so everybody knows...so you don't gig me on this later...I have
spent more time than I want to *think* about lately talking with our sound
people about the sound-in-space issue. We've literally spent HOURS locked up,
discussing various options, middle grounds, extremes and some off-beat
possibilities. I still don't know what we're going to do exactly, but for
what it's worth, believe me, this has been examined to within an inch of its
(and my) life. What it comes down to now is this: we will have all of the
options we discussed available to us at the final mix-down, and we will try
them in different combinations. Whatever works best is what we'll go with.
And we won't know what that is until we get there.


(And for those who inquired...yes, we'll be doing our final mix in full
Dolby Surround Stereo.)