Farming out ship design makes for...

 Posted on 9/3/1993 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Farming out ship design makes for massive legal headaches, in that B5 has
to own what it shows, and the multiple contracts and legalities and payment
disbursements and all the rest add up to far more trouble than it is worth.

Yes, someone said fighter.

Re: the future of CGI...I'm *fairly* sure that the Emmy for B5's EFX is
the first time one has been given for CGI. That by itself is a very strong
validation of CGI within the industry. It's definitely here to stay.

We couldn't show the Starliner Asimov to Isaac because we named it after
him following his passing. Seemed an appropriate nod in that direction, given
his body of work.
