Re: Amazing Spider-Man #510 (SPOILER SPACE--BIG REVELATION)

 Posted on 8/16/2004 by to rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe

>> No, you don't investigate both possibilities. You investigate the regular
>> possibility, and only when it's ruled out do you investigate the weird
>> one.
>If you've lived through what Peter's lived through, the weird one may not
>seem as weird.

Correct. Also, scientists don't tend to think in terms of what's "weird,"
that's a subjective and pointless term. Either something is true, and
provable, or it isn't. Weird doesn't enter into it. If weird were a criterion
for ignoring something, then the entire area of quantum physics wouldn't exist.

(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)