Re: Did JMS Blow Himself Up in SiL?!

 Posted on 3/1/2001 by to

>Given Joe was in his fifties when he filmed that and we've got another
>thread about how young Bester looks considering his age?

HEY! I'm only 46 and a half, here. I know I *look* a lot older, but that's
because a) I've come down a hard road, and b) B5 took it out of me.

Before I started on B5, you can see video interviews with me...I had more hair,
and there wasn't a gray hair anywhere IN there. Five years later, the top was
gone and what was left was almost totally gray.

So when that was filmed, I was, what? 43?

Fifties indeed.



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permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
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