Re: ATTN JMS: Writing comics questions

 Posted on 2/4/2001 by to

>I was wondering how you would compare and contrast the experience for writing
>for DC then and writing for Marvel/Top Cow now, since you now have the luxury
>of name recognition.

There really wasn't much difference, in that Bob Greenberger pretty much let me
do what I wanted, as long as I didn't change anything canonical. It was also
just a one-shot, so there was only so much damage I could really do. What the
"name recognition" factor has done, really, is to just get me access to more
cool stuff.

> Also, did you use the same writing style you use now. Was there any
>meddleing or artist conflicts (drawing it differently that you wrote it).

In order of inquiries: yes, and no.

>I always liked that issue and thought the two characters were a perfect

Me too. I was surprised nobody had ever thought to put them together before,
since there's a lot visually and thematically to play with.


(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)