Re: ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

 Posted on 11/9/2000 by to

>I just visualized the Democrats getting out the vote (registering anybody
>who's breathing, buying them cigarettes to buy their vote, and bussing them
>to the polls). Evidently, *that's* OK, though.

Well, options 1 and 3 are not only legal, they're absolutely valid. Anyone who
is alive is eligible to vote. (Previously, anyone in Chicago *not* alive was
also eligible to vote. We stopped that.) And helping people get to the polls
is also not only legal, it's a good idea.

You seem to have a problem in 1 and 3 with the idea that everyone who's an
american citizen should be able to vote. I find this odd for an american to

As for option 2, no that's not legal, and if you have any specifics on who's
doing this, please post it.


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synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
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