ATTN JMS: Opinion on Bush's Win?

 Posted on 11/9/2000 by to

>My U.S. History professor today drew a picture of the ballot on the
>board and said, "Anyone for meant to vote for Gore and voted for
>Buchanan is just a moron." I would say anyone that would vote for
>Buchanan for any reason is a moron, but I digress.

Your professor is intolerant, especially given the fact that a great number of
those voters, by demographic, were older, senior citizens -- many retirees in a
heavily jewish-population area -- and when you hit a certain age, things become
more problematic. I have a relative for whom I recently bought a tape player
so she can listen to music, and had to find a very simple one because she
wouldn't be able to handle anything more complicated than a big STOP and STOP

Let's come back to your professor when he's 75 and see if he still thinks
people who make mistakes like this are morons.


(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)