Attn jms: Status of your projects

 Posted on 11/6/2000 by to

>IIRC, both the Jeremaih pilot and the Rising Stars movie scripts were
>due November 1st... So, how long before you get some feedback on them
>you can share?

No, not correct. The final draft of the Jeremiah script has to be in by
December 1st for a production decision; my goal with the Rising Stars
screenplay is to get it turned in at the first-draft stage on December 1st, get
notes and revise over the holiday break.

The first draft on Jeremiah went to various parties about a week ago, and has
thus far met with very positive response. There's still a ways to go, but the
signs are positive thus far. There are layers and layers of bureaucracy when
you're back at the networks.


(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)