Attn JMS: More B5 in comics?

 Posted on 7/7/2000 by to

>Expect More Rising Stars
>abylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski told fans to expect more B5
>stories under his own imprint from Top Cow comics.

No, I don't know what that refers to or where it comes from...unless they are
assuming that anything I write is a B5 story since I created B5, which doesn't
make any kind of sense....

No, there won't be any B5 comics for one simple reason: DC is owned by Time
Warner, parent company of WB. Their feeling is that, because they own DC,
nobody else should do a B5 comic. But it ain't gonna happen under DC. Even
so, they don't want to turn it loose; better no one should do it.

It's like a monkey with his hand around a nut in a jar...he won't let it go,
but he can't get his hand out of the jar, either....


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