Attn JMS: Crusade on Sci-Fi - Question

 Posted on 4/12/2000 by to

>So, it would seem that now *would* be a good time for the fans to let the
>Sci-Fi Channel that they are happy that Sc-Fi picked up the Babylon 5
>reruns, and that we also want Crusade.

One thing I forgot to mention in my prior post was that thus far SFC has been
just terrific and very excited about bringing on B5. They've stayed in touch
with me pretty much every since the announcement, and we're working out what
can be done to promote the show, how to best feature it, that sort of thing.

There have been a couple of ideas expressed that are VERY cool, but it's still
way too early to talk about them. I'll be meeting with Craig Engler from the
SFC web site and Sci Fi Wire in about 2 weeks to continue the discussions about
what can be done on that side as well.

It's nice to have a situation of respectful give and take rather than having
dictates handed down.


B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)