Rebo & Zooty

 Posted on 3/14/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Sam Waas <> asks:
> area?
> How did this guest appearance evolve?
> I mean, you couldn't sit down at your computer to write the
> episode and say to yourself "Let's see -- I need some external
> thread to bind the episode together as a plotline B to supplement
> the Day of Dead plotline A -- mmmm -- Why not have Penn & Teller
> guest star?" In other words, how could you write the characters of
> Rebo & Zooty into the script without prior communication from
> P&T? You modified the character to fit the guest stars, right?

Neil wrote for R&Z, and we looked around for
occured to someone -- may have been me, maybe casting, I don't remember
-- that it might be better to use a real comedy team than create one.
B5 called P&T, and they said yes.
