502: Ummm... Wow.

 Posted on 1/29/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
> When the episode opened with Sheridan and Delenn in their
> quarters, I asked, "Is this going to be the way every episode of
> season five starts?" But can Delenn let it go so easily?
> Londo knows about John's twenty years?
> Just how common is this knowledge?
> Boy, when you say that the first episode is just to get the new
> viewers up to speed, and then you take off in the second, you
> ain't kiddin', are ya?

"Boy, when you say that the first episode is just to get the new
viewers up to speed, and then you take off in the second, you ain't
kiddin', are ya?"

Rangers never bluff.
