wolf 359

 Posted on 8/1/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

"I would like to express my appreciation for the way that you and all
the members of the cast at Blackpool gave no hint of the turmoil going
on over that weekend."

Thanks. You are kinder than honesty would warrant. We were all
more than a bit upset as we watched things unravel in front of our
eyes; Bruce was about as upset as I've ever seen him, although he
buttoned it up beautifully when the fans came around, because they
deserved only the best. I did my best there, but there were lapses...I
was sharper tempered than I should have been with a couple of stewards,
because I was more at the direct center of the whole situation, and
immensely frustrated and bugged at the whole thing. I guess that's why
I'm a writer and not an actor. But it's been nagging at me ever since
I left, frankly, because they had no way of knowing what was going on,
or why I was in that state, and they certainly didn't do anything to
merit that.
