Claudia C fired!

 Posted on 7/27/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Philip Friel <> asks:
> And the coupla guys that I notice giving you a load of crap
> around here - I don't ever recall seeing you give *them* any crap
> (if you had, it might've been different, 'cos then it's
> *personal* - guns at fifty paces, and all that <bg>), so just
> what *is* their problem?

"I won't say that there won't ever be an SF show as good as B5, as
you've now set the yardstick, and the rest have something to aim at.
Maybe, someday, someone will reach or pass it"

I'm looking forward to that. I'll be the first one to stand up
and cheer when it happens.

"I'll say one thing about Trekkies, even though B5 fans often beat up
on them <g,d,&r> - if Gene Roddenberry were alive today, and were
active online, I just couldn't see him taking even a fraction of the
flack from online Trekkies as you do from these excuses for B5 fans"

Noooo...I don't think so...ask Majel about some of this
sometime. Believe me, if Gene were online, he'd get the same thing.
It's the medium, not the person, that's the problem.
