
 Posted on 6/16/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

"You must have known, or at least suspected, they'd hold back the last
4 again. I think I've figured out one of the reasons you're as good a
writer as you are. You can take your story and mold it into the shape
you need it to, in order to tell it, regardless of the blockades,
changes, whims and opportunities the current syndication market throws
at you. You're the most flexible damn writer I've ever seen. Then
again, no one's ever HAD to do the things you're doing either."

All I'll say is that no one will ever truly know how difficult
this process has been. And no matter what they throw at us, we catch
it, turn it around, figure out how to use it for our own purposes, and
somehow make the story better for it.

It ain't easy, though, m' ain't easy.
