ITF:<Take Us In>

 Posted on 2/5/1997 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Brent Barrett <> asks:
> Are we to believe that these two ancient enemies, who would fight
> and slaughter for millions of years, would just give up after
> talking to Sheridan and Delenn for a few minutes? Was there just
> one Shadow there?

I think that, for me, what mitigates against that is that a) it
wasn't just Delenn and Sheridan, it was with virtually every other
major civilization around backing their play, and adding their support,
their voice, even being williing to die for the sake of this
confrontation. If it were just the two of them...they'd be scragged.
The two forces needed to be shown that the others had turned against
them, and that their true faces had been exposed.

b) The other key for me is that neither the Vorlons nor the
Shadows saw themselves as conquerers or adversaries...both believed
they were doing what was right for us. And like any possesive parent,
they'll keep on believing that until the kid is strong enough to stand
up and say, "No, this is what *I* want."

Most wars tend to end with one singular even...sometimes it's a
big bomb, or a series of big bombs...and sometimes it comes with a
negotiation. The two sides meet in a room, sometimes with
representatives of other nations, and together they hammer out a truce,
or a peace. There's the Nagasaki solution on the one hand, and the
"let's meet in a room and talk about this" of Jimmy Carter, Anwar Sadat
and Minister Begin.

Both work.
