
 Posted on 8/18/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Simon Pallett <101523.507@compuserve.com> asks:
> I found myself wondering if Franklin shall eventually find what
> he seeks, or if has he already discovered it, and just needs to
> realise that for himself? And as for the songs...well, Joe, what
> can I say? Is it pure co-incidence that all Vorlon suits shown so
> far, with the exception of that belonging to Kosh, are similar in
> design? Why is his the only encounter suit that I have seen so
> far, that is predominantly green?

Actually, the new Vorlon's encounter suit is more purple/red
than green. The design is a matter of form following function.

And yeah, I figured it might be cool to continue the song over
the credits. That happens one more time this season.
