JMS: gun port=respect?

 Posted on 5/7/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Gail Marsella <> asks:
> I think she's right - was slavery acceptable just because it was
> common, we practiced it for a long time, and a large number of
> people found it convenient? Was foot-binding in China acceptable
> just because it was always practiced on young girls who had no
> way to say "no"?

"However, neither is it appropriate to view all alien behavior as
acceptable just because it is different....."

Never implied it was. In general, on the B5 station, though, if
an alien acts toward one of its own kind in a cultural oddity (to us),
we tend not to interfere unless so requested; if, however, an alien
turns that cultural oddity toward one not of its own species, then the
B5 staff would definitely intervene.
