Time Change in Atlanta

 Posted on 1/29/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Les P. George <76162.1250@compuserve.com> asks:
> Does PTEN have any type of contractual say so with individual
> stations as to when to air the episodes?

Yes, I've heard this; we've always had trouble with that station
in terms of air schedules and availability of slots. There's nothing
anyone can do about it at this end; only local pressure can make an
impact. (And some of the worst offenders do the "low rated" argument
to cover the fact that they just have too many prior commitments to
other networks like UPN and/or FOX or WBN...or that they just don't
like the show for one reason or another. Some shows have actually been
bought by stations and *shelved* because they didn't want to air it,
but at the same time didn't want anyone else in the market to air it
either. (This happened to us on Twilight Zone on several occasions.)
