Harlan Ellison has requested that...

 Posted on 10/12/1995 by STRACZYNSKI [Joe] to GENIE

Harlan Ellison has requested that I post this in places where those likely to
have ordered the forthcoming CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER limited-edition
hardcover can find it.

Message begins:

Here is the answerto the question of why a three-week delay in shipping THE
CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER became necessary.

A minor production glitch.

Nothing more mysterious or ominous than that.

Once the book had gone to Thomson-Shore in Dexter, Michigan for printing, and
was in production, it was discovered that more than 150 corrections to the
text--some significant, others of a niggling nature--but all troublesome to a
greater or lesser degree--had slipped past, and had not been integrated.

Tom Monteleone of Borderlands Press was out of the country. But his concerns
for shipping on time--we've been paying the price for a premature announcement
of this title four years ago ever since that miscalculation was made--were
preeminent. Nonetheless, because of my insistence that this book (a book of
great personal importance to me) be as close to perfect as possible, I took
the necessary action to hold the production at a pre-final stage till Tom
returned and we could get the changes made.

That has been accomplished. Tom Monteleone has been very gracious in
accommodating my concerns, and the book is back in the tube at Thomson-Shore
right now. Three weeks max is what Dave Raymond, Customer Services Manager,
tells us. Three weeks and the book, a beautiful beautiful package, will be in
the hands of those who've ordered it.

It is unfortunate that Tom Monteleone's interim message on the Borderlands
Press 800-order line has been misinterpreted by some people. All is well, and
the CITY is on its way to waiting eyes and hands. Thank you for asking.

Harlan Ellison