Mr. JMS: Outer Limits/Twilight

 Posted on 7/11/1995 by to

My favorites from the Outer Limits...Soldier, Demon With a Glass
Hand, Cold Hands Warm Heart, and others whose titles I've forgotten
(the sentient tumbleweeds, the house where nobody got old, the kid and
his alien tutor, and the Zanti misfits, natch).

From Twilight Zone...Walking Distance, One For the Angels, just
about all the Serling episodes, actually. In general, TZ is one of my
overall high-points in TV. Very few drones.

What often gets ignored is Night Gallery, which had some very decent
stuff in it, most specifically They're Tearing Down Tim Reilly's Bar,
which I always fire up when I think I'm getting too confident in my own
writing. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant writing.
